Tuesday, July 09, 2013

My dear Singer Machine

In 2015 year my dear Singer machine will have 100th Birthday.
She is my working horse and good friend. 

Photos by Igor Zamyatin
Myst Hive)

 On August 12, 2011 Singer launched www.mySingerstory.com that offers a facility for consumers to uncover the history of their personal Singer household sewing machine and discover the year it was issued. Singer will issue an acknowledgement certificate that you can print out with your name, serial number and year of issue for all Singer model sewing machines.

Here is my and machine's Certificate )

1 comment:

  1. this is awesome! I'll have to take a closer look at the Singer machine I found in the shed at our new cottage...it has been very unloved over the years but perhaps I can bring it back to life? ;)

    I love your machine...I always wanted a machine with a handle as well as foot pedal so that I could use it when the power isn't on
